Welcome to corner canyon church
Sunday 10:30 am in-person service
12883 S 1300 E Draper UT 84020
watch our service online below
*An ASL interpreter will be included in our church services (in person as well as our online service)*

We can’t wait to see you
What Can I expect?
You can expect to meet people of all ages from different backgrounds and denominations as well as from non-denominational backgrounds and no church history.
How should I dress?
Dress as you feel comfortable for a family-oriented gathering. You will see people both in jeans and more formal attire. Come as you are!
The Pastor preaches the Gospel message using Scripture to demonstrate Christ’s love and amazing grace. He preaches through a given book of the Bible verse by verse.

Where do the children go?
We provide an Infant Nursery for babies who are not yet walking. We have a preschool class for ages 3-6, and an elementary class for ages 7-11. Jr and Sr High students are welcome to join us in service on Sundays or for our active and vibrant youth group which meets on Thursdays at 7pm for devotion, food, and games.
Do you have a mothers room?
In addition to the nursery for little ones, the Mothers' Room has just about everything a mom could want while nursing her baby or taking care of a fussy infant. Besides a speaker in the room for listening to the sermon, there is coffee, a changing table, port-a-crib, some toys, rockers for babies, as well as rocking chairs and a couch for moms.
What is the worship Like?
We sing contemporary worship songs and we sing older hymns in a contemporary style of worship.